E10 Unleaded 94 (E10 unleaded) has a RON of 94. It is a blend of 90% Unleaded 91 and 10% Ethanol, and it’s the ethanol that gives it a higher RON. E10 Unleaded 94 burns more efficiently, and more cleanly, resulting in lower carbon monoxide emissions.
Research has also shown that using E10 blends improves air quality by reducing air toxins, which can have positive effects on our health.
Most vehicles built since 1986 are E10 compatible. If your car is compatible with E10, you can replace your regular petrol with E10 when you fill up.
You don’t have to use E10 Unleaded 94 all the time. You can switch between Unleaded 91 and E10 Unleaded 94. Not sure if your car is ok for E10? You can check here.
Note that E10 blends are not recommended for boats and aircraft, and may not be suitable for some motorcycles and small engines, such as lawnmowers. Always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations.